Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Lift & Shift Oracle E-Business Suite From On-Premises to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic Using EBS Cloud Tools

Oracle EBS Lift & Shift Phases
·        Phase I: Back up your on premises Oracle E-Business Suite environment to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic.
·        Phase II: Provision your desired topology on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic, restoring your application tier to Compute Classic and your database tier to either Compute Classic, Oracle Database Cloud Service (DBCS), or Exadata Cloud Service (Exadata CS).

Pre-requisites of Oracle EBS Lift & Shift
·         On premises Oracle EBS database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode with versions or with latest database patches applied referring to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes.
·         AD-TXK Delta 10 should be applied to the on premises Oracle EBS environment before taking the backup.
·         Even if your instance already has AD-TXK Delta 10 applied, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1617461.1, Applying the Latest AD and TXK Release Update Packs to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, and ensure any additional one-off patches listed for AD and TXK are also applied on your instance.

Following minimum cloud services are required according to the topology chosen for lift & shift.

Description of Requirements
Number of Virtual Machines (VM)
External IPs
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic
Size of application tier code + database (object)
EBS Cloud Admin Tool virtual machine (VM)
7.5 GB
Required: 20 GB (block) 
Oracle Traffic Director (OTD) VM
7.5 GB
25 GB (block)
Application tier VM
n (where 'n' is number of application tier nodes in the target environment)
n*m (where 'm' is the number of OCPUs in the shape selected for the application tier; the minimum for 'm' is 1)
Release 12.2 = 15 GB per VM
Release 12.1 = 7.5 GB per VM
Strictly dependent on your on-premises environment. The minimum requirements are shown below:
·         Shared application tier: 170 GB + 40 GB for each additional application tier (block)
·         Non-shared application tier: 170 GB x n (block)
·         Per language: 16 GB (block)
Database Tier
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic or DBCS Single-node database
15 GB
Dependent on the size of your database and backup options chosen
Oracle RAC
4 x 2
15 GB x 2
Dependent on the size of your database and backup options chosen
Exadata CS
Oracle RAC
(See Footnote 3)
8 x 2
240 GB x 2
42 TB

Deploying or Updating the EBS Cloud Admin Tool
Deploy the EBS Cloud Admin Tool to your cloud domain, by following the Oracle by Example tutorial Deploying the EBS Cloud Admin Tool to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.

To deploy the EBS Cloud Admin Tool for the first time, you will use the Oracle Cloud Marketplace images listed in the following table:
Marketplace Listing Name
Application Machine Image Name Example
EBS Provisioning Tools Image
Includes the EBS Cloud Admin Tool
EBS OS-Only Image
Required for deploying EBS instances

If you have already deployed the EBS Cloud Admin Tool, you must ensure it is on the latest codeline by following the instructions in section "Update EBS Cloud Admin Tool to Latest Codeline" of the Oracle by Example tutorial Deploying the EBS Cloud Admin Tool to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.

Deploying and updating EBS Cloud Admin Tool as per the given documents is very important step to make the EBS lift & shift a success.

Installing the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module On-Premises

You must install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module on an on-premises Linux server with at least 500 MB of free space and the wget libraries installed. The on-premises Linux server can be one of the Oracle E-Business Suite nodes or another server that resides in your intranet. This server will be referred to as the backup module server for the remainder of this tutorial.
1.       Download Patch 26725016 from My Oracle Support to the backup module server.
2.       Using the commands below, change to the directory where you downloaded the patch file and extract the downloaded patch.

$ cd <download folder>
$ unzip p26725016_R12_Generic.zip
Unzipping the patch zip file creates a directory named RemoteClone.
3.       Change to the RemoteClone directory and change the permission to “execute” for all the downloaded scripts.

$ cd RemoteClone
$ chmod +x *.pl
$ chmod +x lib/*.sh

Backing Up the Environment Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module

The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module, EBSCloudBackup.pl, is used to back up your Oracle E-Business Suite environment to Object Storage Classic. This module captures all the information and creates the cln.props file.
1.       Change to the RemoteClone directory on the backup module server if you have not already done so.
2.       Run EBSCloudBackup.pl using the following command:
$ 3pt/perl/bin/perl EBSCloudBackup.pl
3.       On the "Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Options" screen, select option 1 to create the backup and upload it to Object Storage Classic.
Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Options
Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Enter Selection:
1:   Create E-Business Suite Backup and Upload to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic
2:   Create E-Business Suite Backup and Upload to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
3:   Exit
Enter your choice from above list:  1

Next proceed with rest of the prompts according to the requirement.

Then object storage will be created with a backup as follows.

Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment on Oracle Cloud From Your Backup

After you have backed up your environment using the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module, you will use the backup to create a new environment with your desired topology.
Refer to the these instructions in section "Creating a New Environment from a Backup" of the Managing Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic Using the EBS Cloud Admin Tool Oracle by Example tutorial.

1.       To create an environment from a backup stored on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic, choose "2: Oracle Storage Cloud Service (OSCS)" as the backup source:
Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment from Backup - Choose Source

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

1: Stage Area
2: Oracle Storage Cloud Service (OSCS)
3: Snapshot
4: EBS Snapshot Master
Enter your choice from above list: 2
2.       Next, enter your cloud credentials, including the cloud service endpoints obtained when you provisioned your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. The screen will show default values presented in brackets according to the values entered in the previous execution of the tool. If you do not enter a different response, the tool uses the default value.
Provision Oracle E-Business Suite - Enter Oracle Cloud Credentials

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Oracle Compute Cloud Service Endpoint [https://xxx.compute.us.oraclecloud.com/] :
Oracle Storage Cloud Service Endpoint [https://xxx.storage.oraclecloud.com/v1/Storage-xxx] :
Oracle Cloud Compute Service Instance ID [mycloudserviceid] :
Oracle Cloud Identity Domain [myclouddomain] :
Oracle Cloud Data Center Code (examples: em1, us2, ap3) [em1] :
Oracle Cloud User Name [john.smith@example.com] :
Oracle Cloud Password : <password>
Enter Oracle DBaaS Cloud Service Endpoint [https://dbaas.oraclecloud.com/] : 

Note: The REST endpoints are used to identify the location of services at the site level within a datacenter. These endpoints are required in order to create the security artifacts associated with Oracle Compute Cloud instances (VMs). If the provisioning VM is located at a different site from your application tier VM (identified by the Compute Classic endpoint), you will be prompted to provide the provisioning VM REST endpoint, as seen below:

Enter Oracle Compute Cloud Service Endpoint for Provisioning VM :
3.       Next, specify the backup.
Select OSCS Backup
 [Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]
 Available backups in OSCS:
 1: TEST1
2: TEST2
3: UAT
Choose backup from above list:  1

Next enter the required details for the restoration of Oracle EBS to cloud as the topology required.
After successful completion you will get a login URL like following.

Reference Documents

Managing Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud at Customer Using the EBS Cloud Admin Tool (Doc ID 2485430.1)

Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud (Doc ID 2066260.1)

Mandatory Information for OCI-C (Compute Classic) Cloud IaaS SRs (Doc ID 2392281.1)


  1. Hi Amila,
    Please help us....regarding error....while going backup on staging area...

    Tue Jan 14 17:08:22 2020> ValidatingApplication tier BMCS credential

    Log file:/Oracle/software/30050802/RemoteClone/session/BABD9A963691FAA67677459513F2A4CA/logs/14012020170523/bmcsCredentialValidation_Application.log
    Validating Application tier BMCS credentialfailed [Time taken: 6 Seconds]
    Application tier BMCS credential validationfailed. For detail please check the log file.

    Tue Jan 14 17:08:29 2020> Validating bucketBACKUP_ERP_CLOUDGeneric existence checking
    Log file:/Oracle/software/30050802/RemoteClone/session/BABD9A963691FAA67677459513F2A4CA/logs/14012020170523/bucketExistenceValidation_Application.log
    Validating bucket BACKUP_ERP_CLOUDGenericexistence checking failed [Time taken: 5 Seconds]
    BMCS bucket name existance validation failed.For detail please check the log file.

    Tue Jan 14 17:08:35 2020> Validating PrivateKeyand Fingerprint in sync...
    Log file:/Oracle/software/30050802/RemoteClone/session/BABD9A963691FAA67677459513F2A4CA/logs/14012020170523/bmcsPrivateKeyNFingerprintSync_BACKUP_ERP_CLOUDGeneric.log
    Validating PrivateKey and Fingerprint insync... successful [Time taken: 2 Seconds]

    cln.prop validation has failed, please rerunmigrate tool 

    1. Hi, did you had any chance to solve this issue please? I am having the same. On support it's been said that it might be network/firewall issue. I am performing the backup through proxy configuration and no firewall

  2. Hi.
    I have nex issue with EBSCloudBackup.pl, in Apps Tier Disk Space Validation:

    In case want to use custom Private Key, provide absolute private key file location else press Enter:
    In case want to connect target host via proxy server, provide proxy server hostname else press Enter:
    Trying to establish SSH connection using custom private key file /u01/install/APPS/.ssh/id_rsa
    *** RemoteCmd: [/u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/3pt/jre/bin/java -cp /u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/lib/cln_utils.jar:/u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/3pt/jsch.jar:/u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/3pt/ext-jars/* oracle.apps.liftNshift.validations.EBSLiftDiskSpaceValidation -sourceDirectories /u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/appl,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/tech_st/10.1.2,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/tech_st/10.1.3 -sourceExcludeDirectories /u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn/adopclone_*,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn/clone.*,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn/clone_* -workerCount 2 -tier Application -stageDirectoryPath /u02/appl -manifestJSONFilePath /u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/apps_manifest.json -sessionID 9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E]

    at oracle.apps.liftNshift.util.EBSLiftMiscellaneousUtil.deriveRequiredFiles(EBSLiftMiscellaneousUtil.java:98)
    at oracle.apps.liftNshift.validations.EBSLiftDiskSpaceValidation.main(EBSLiftDiskSpaceValidation.java:246)
    usage: java -cp
    [-binSizeInBytes binSizeInBytes] -stageDirectoryPath stageDirectoryPath
    -sessionID sessionID -sourceDirectories sourceDirectories [-h]
    [-sourceExcludeDirectories sourceExcludeDirectories] [-workerCount
    workerCount] -tier tier [-manifestJSONFilePath manifestJSONFilePath]
    -binSizeInBytes BIN size in bytes.
    -h,--help print usage and
    -manifestJSONFilePath The absolute path
    of the Upload manifest JSON file
    -sessionID EBS backup
    -sourceDirectories The absolute path
    of the input files/directores. Multiple entries should be separated by
    -sourceExcludeDirectories The absolute path
    of the input files/directores. Multiple entries should be separated by
    comma. Support * character at the end only to specify list of file/dir
    -stageDirectoryPath The absolute path
    of the stage directory.
    -tier The tier on which
    disk checking being run. Available values[Application or Database]
    -workerCount parallel worker
    Failed with code: 1
    [2021/03/26 21:21:39] [APPSTIEREBSVALIDATION] ERROR: Source application tier post-validation failed.

    I do not know how I can solve it and complete Oracle EBS Backup to OCI.

