Issue :
File crfclust.bdb is growing in huge size due to an Oracle bug.
[root@db1 db1]# ls -lhrt crfclust.bdb
-rw-r----- 1 root root 42G Sep 7 10:17 crfclust.bdb
Workaround :
Modify BDBSIZE parameter in config file crf<hostname>.ora to adequately lower value.
1. Issue "$GI_HOME/bin/crsctl stop res ora.crf -init " on all the nodes of the cluster.
2. Locate the config file $GRID_HOME/crf/admin/crf<hostname>.ora
3. Manually edit the crf<hostname>.ora file on every node of the cluster and
change BDBSIZE tag entry and remove the value (set it to blank) or set it to a lower value.
4. Restart ora.crf daemon on every node.
Reference :
Bug 20186278 - crfclust.bdb Becomes Huge Size Due to Sudden Retention Change (Doc ID 20186278.8)